Mr. Malkhaz Toria, Assistant Professor at ISU School of Arts and Sciences, will deliver a public lecture on "The Soviet Occupation in 1921 and the August War of 2008 - the Historical Analogy as a Memory Project". The public lecture will take place on January 16, 18:00, Room - A 101 (Venue: Chavchavadze Ave.32, first f
According to the decision by the project ALRAKIS II coordinator, the deadline for the application submission has been prolonged. Instead of January 12, the call for applications is now open until January 31, 2014.
Since July 2013, Ilia State University together with Water and Sewerage Municipal Enterprise of Kavala (Greece) and with other partner organizations, in scope of the program of “the Black Sea Basin 2007-2013,” participate in realization of the project “A Black Sea network promoting integra
On December 30, 15:00, ISU will host a lecture/seminar on "Quantum Physics of Black Holes and Cosmology" by Prof. Gia Dvali. Venue: ISU Hall G106.
On Thursday, December 26, 18:30, the 3rd lecture on "The Importance of Constitution for Democracy Development" will be held within the framework of the lecture program "Constitution and Democracy" designed by ISU Center for Constitutional Studies. The lecture will be delivered by ISU Professor Ghia Nodia.
On December 25, “The Best Georgian Novel 2012-2013” will be revealed during TV Imedi Talk Show “Dgis Show”. The 30 Georgian novels and authors participated in the competition of 2013 and the best two novels will be named. The special jury consisted of 11 members (6 professors and 5 stud
Open Call for the Erasmus Mundus Action 2 Project EFFORT! Erasmus Mundus is a program of cooperation and mobility, aims to enhance the quality of the European higher education system and supports dialogue and mutual understanding between people and cultures of the third countries and the EU. The project EFFORT
PPRTC is pleased to announce the certified training course in the SPSS and statistics. The purpose of the training course is to augment knowledge and skills of strategic and operational level functionaries involved with data analysis. Specifically, the course focuses at:• Developing better understanding of basic c
Ilia State University Master Program in Public Administration announces open call for the constructing of the Georgian cases in the field of public policy. The cases must reflect the Georgian reality and be related to any aspect of the management characteristics of the public sector. For instance: org
Erasmus Mundus Exchange Program HUMERIA announces open competition for students, researchers and academic/administrative staff to gain scholarship for study, research and professional development in the European higher education institutions. Mobility is available in the following Universities: 1. &n
The annual scientific conference of the Institute of Oriental Studies will be held on December 20-21, 2013. During the conference, the presented reports will cover the following issues: the Georgian-Oriental Linguistic and Literary Contacts, Oriental literature, art, history and contemporary situation of the
On December 22, 18:00, Ilia State University, ISU Student Self-Government and Student Club “Antipodes”, invites you to “Pre –New Year Carnival”. Celebrate and create New Year mood with Twin Dj’s. Want to have fun? Love to dance? Then come and enjoy! A truly unique way to start off