the Black Sea Basin 2007-2013
Since July 2013, Ilia State University together with Water and Sewerage Municipal Enterprise of Kavala (Greece) and with other partner organizations, in scope of the program of “the Black Sea Basin 2007-2013,” participate in realization of the project “A Black Sea network promoting integrated natural WAStewater Treatment systems – WASTEnet.” The project duration is two years and you can obtain more information about it at the following link http://www.waste-net.info/
On 10-11 January 2014 in Tulcea (Romania) there will be held the business meeting of the project, where professors of Ilia State University - Zurab Javakhishvili and Ketevan Kupatadze will take part.
The agenda of the meeting is available at the following link. http://media.wix.com/ugd/d77469_8464710db7fa408f9d6a1b414c53f222.pdf