Erasmus Mundus is a program of cooperation and mobility, aims to enhance the quality of the European higher education system and supports dialogue and mutual understanding between people and cultures of the third countries and the EU. The project EMBER implies the mobility of students and academic staff in the E
Open Call for the Erasmus Mundus Action 2 Project INFINITY! Erasmus Mundus is a program of cooperation and mobility, aims to enhance the quality of the European higher education system and supports dialogue and mutual understanding between people and cultures of the third countries and the EU. The project INFIN
Erasmus Mundus Exchange Program EUROEAST announces open competition for students, researchers and academic/administrative staff to gain scholarship for study, research and professional development in the European higher education institutions. Mobility is available in the following Universities: Politecnico d
Austrian Director and Theatre Critics Reinhard Auer will deliver a speech on the topic titled "The Contemporary Austrian Drama" (The translation in Georgian language will be provided). The speaker will discuss the stages of the Austrian Drama development and its major trends. The meeting will be held on November
Use a chance and become a winning author of the literature competition “The Best Georgian Novel” 2012 and 2013 and get a prize of 10 000 GEL.For participation bring 11 copies of your novel (published in 2012 and 2013) to the Ilia State University bookstore `Ligamus’ or send an electronic version to th
On November 20, 16:00, the representatives of the program "Teach and Learn with Georgia" will organize the meeting with students. Venue: Ilia State University Building A, room 101; The program "Teach and Learn with Georgia" is being implemented since 2010 and carried out by the Ministry of Education and S
The Embassy of Switzerland in Georgia announces the Mini-Grant Program 2014 designed for local small-scale projects covering the following topics: Democratization and Rule of Law Human Rights Sustainable Development The deadline for project submission is December 15. For detailed information, please visi
On Saturday, November 16, 18:00, outstanding Dutch flute player Dr. Magdalena Kuhn will deliver the master class on the modern methods of performing. The French flute music of 20th century will be performed. The Georgian flute players will take part in the master-class. Magdalena Kuhn has two pro
March 13-17, 2014. The Model UN training program is the best opportunity for students and young generation to learn more about the system features of the United Nations, to represent their country, to obtain knowledge and practical skills in public speeches and debates through the simulation games, to start friendship
The European Centre invites all interested to participate in the MUN (Model UN) project, taking place from April 26 till May 4, 2014 in Maastricht, Netherlands. The preparation trainings will be held in Germany and Belgium. The Model UN training program is the best opportunity for students and young generation t
Erasmus Mundus Exchange Program ALRAKIS II announces open competition for students, researchers and academic/administrative staff to gain scholarship for study, research and professional development in the European higher education institutions. Mobility is available in the following Universities: 1.  
The open competition is announced within the framework of the Erasmus Mundus Action 2 WEBB project. Erasmus Mundus is a program of cooperation and mobility, aims to enhance the quality of the European higher education system and supports dialogue and mutual understanding between people and cultures of the third