International Calls



The Public Diplomacy Section (PDS) of the U.S. Embassy Tbilisi is pleased to announce the 2023 Book Translation Program. Through funding translation of key works into Georgian PDS aims to increase the accessibility and affordability of the latest research, analysis, and popular contemporary literature by American authors to the Georgian students, researchers and the general public.

PDS is soliciting proposals to award grants to the publishing houses and public and private educational institutions to translate books by American authors under the following themes:

  • Public Policy/Civic education: general public policy, also public policy on issues related to the environment, cybersecurity and cyber education, agriculture, health, and education management.
  •  Media: media ethics, media management, mass communication, strategic communication, cybersecurity and cyber education and related topics.
  • Rule of Law: international law, intellectual property rights, jury trials, and related topics
  •  Basic Education: educational management and administration, curriculum planning and development, educational technology, special education and education related topics.

Length of performance period: Maximum project period is 2 years.

Cost Sharing or Matching

The program requires 50% cost-share. Cost-share might come from the applicant organization or other sources. In case of co-funding from other organization, an approval letter from the relevant organization is required (indicating amount and category of expenses).

Other Requirements

Minimum print-run required is 1,000 (smaller print-run considered per terms of the individual project).

Textbooks and academic literature should be the latest editions.

The grant recipient is responsible for requesting permission from the copyright holder. Applicant should start negotiation with the copyright holder before submission of proposal and present copy of communication or draft of the contract with other requested documents. After selection as a finalist, the applicant is required to present a copy of the copyright agreement signed by both parties.

Each applicant can submit up to five (5) proposals per call. Organization can submit projects on both deadlines, but same proposals cannot be re-submitted on the second call of the same year.

Eligible works should be previously unpublished in Georgian.

Publications should be translated from the original language.

Submission Dates and Times

03/29/2023; 18:00 and 05/29/2023; 18:00

Other Submission Requirements

All application materials must be submitted by email to at Please include the program name (Book Translation Program) in the subject line. Please, be advised that emails exceeding 6MB and RAR/ZIP files will not be accepted. Documents should be only in Word and PDF format. Applications have to be submitted within the indicated deadline. Late applications will not be considered.

For more information, please visit:


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