
The Journal ‘Constitutional Law Review’ announces a call for submissions of scientific papers to be published in the next issue (December, 2021)

About the Journal:

The ‘Constitutional Law Review’ is a bilingual, international peer-reviewed scientific journal (the journal is included in the EBSCO scientific research database), issued by the Ilia State University School of Law. The Journal contains articles, essays, reviews and analysis of local and international court practices.


Scientists, experts, practicing lawyers and students working in the field of law or related fields can

submit scientific papers


For the upcoming issues of the Journal, interested authors can submit papers related to the following topics: Transitional Justice and Human Rights. Models of justice system reform and its compatibility with the fundamental principles of constitutionalism.

Terms for submission of an academic paper and technical requirements:

  • Academic paper will be accepted directly from the authors;
  • Academic paper can be presented in Georgian or English languages;
  • Academic paper must be original and not published (except for foreign article translation);
  • Academic paper should include an abstract of 150-200 words and an author’s resume;
  • When editing, it is possible to adjust the size and content of the academic paper;
  • The final decision on publishing of an academic paper is made by the Editorial Board;
  • The academic paper submitted for consideration must be a finished work;
  • The presented material should be in electronic format (Microsoft Word) not exceeding 6,000 words; Font Sylfaen (in Georgian) and Times New Roman (in English). Font size: 12, line spacing 1.5 cm.
  • An editorial decision-making on the selection and publishing will be based on quality and relevance of the presented academic paper.

Citation and plagiarism:

Please see the guidelines for citing academic papers in the journal in the following link:


You can contact the Journal's editorial staff or send your academic papers at no later than 11th of October, 2021

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