
"As I Want" - Screening and Discussion of the Film


The Human Rights Film Club of the School of Law of Iliauni will hold a screening and discussion of the film “As I Want” with the support of the USAID Rule of Law Program and in cooperation with the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Georgia within the framework of the university week at the book house “Ligamus” on December 3, at 17:00.

About the Film

This is a story about the revolution of January 25, 2011 in Egypt, when a group of men attacked women at a protest against Mohamed Morsi. A film director caught in the epicenter of the attack filmed a crowd walking through the streets of Cairo, brutally assaulting protesting women without hijabs.

The climactic moment in the film is the episode where the director, Samaher Alqadi, reveals her pregnancy, when she is forced to think about the upbringing of women, their freedom and fate in the Islamic world.

The discussion after the film will be about Islamic feminism and current events in the Islamic world.


  • Maaike van Koldam, Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Georgia;
  • Tamar Tskhadadze, Associate Professor of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences of Ilia State University;


  • Vika Shakulashvili, Student of the Schhol of Law of Ilia State University.

To attend the event, please register at the following link by December 2nd:

At the end of the semester, the 3 most active (activity is calculated by the number of signatures on the attendance sheet) students attending the events organized by the Human Rights Department will be identified and awarded by the Dean of the School of Law.

Working languages: Georgian and English

Time: December 3, 17:00

Location: Book House “Ligamus”, Ilia State University, I. Chavchavadze Ave. N32


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