School of Natural Sciences and Medicine ILIA STATE UNIVERSITY


Genetic diversity in the Critically Endangered Raso lark


Genetic diversity in the Critically Endangered Raso lark: neo-sex chromosomes, demographic history, and implications for conservation 


Small effective population sizes could expose island species to inbreeding and loss of genetic variation. Here we investigate factors shaping genetic diversity in the Raso lark, which has been restricted to a single islet in Cape Verde for ~500 years, with a population size of a few hundred. Our findings show how genome-wide approaches to study endangered species can help avoid confounding effects of genome architecture on diversity estimates. 


Dr Elisa Dierickx is Eurasia Programme Development Manager at Fauna & Flora International (FFI) and co-founder of the conservation NGO “Fundação Maio Biodiversidade” in Cape Verde. Elisa holds a BSc from Harvard University and a PhD in Zoology from the University of Cambridge. 

Time: 30 January, 16:00

Venue: Room G106, Ilia State University (1 G. Tsereteli Str.)

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