School of Arts and Sciences ILIA STATE UNIVERSITY


Religion Week to be held at ISU


A series of lectures will be held within a Religion Week planned for 21-24 June as part of the ISU’s MA programme in Religious Studies. Invited speakers will give lectures dealing with religion as viewed from different perspectives. The issues addressed will cover a broad geographical and cultural spectrum to contribute to the definition of characteristics specific to religion in local culture and at the same time, view religion from a broader perspective.




21 June, Monday, 17:00-19:00

The Noise Silence Makes: The Ghanaian State Negotiates Ritual Ban on Noise Making;

Speaker: Mariam Goshadze 

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22 June, Tuesday, 17:00-19:00

Remaking Muslim Society by Remaking its Women: Azerbaijani Case of Muslim Women’s Reformation, 1890 – 1920

Speaker: Elena Abdulaeva

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23 June, Wednesday, 17:00-19:00

Mysticism as a Means of Rescuing Religion from Fundamentalism;

Speaker: Zurab Jashi

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24 June, Thursday, 17:00-19:00

Autocephaly as Orthodox Political Theology;

Speaker: Tamar Grdzelidze 

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25 June, Friday, 17:00-19:00

The role of Islam and Islamism in the Chechen politics and society under the rule of Kadyrov,

Speaker: Christoph Giesel 

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Lectures will be held online, through facebook live.

Languages: Georgian and English


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