School of Arts and Sciences ILIA STATE UNIVERSITY


Ilia State University launches new project within Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Networks


Since September 2019, Ilia State University got involved in new project “Linking ‘Europe’ at the periphery (LEAP) within the framework of Erasmus + Jean Monnet Networks. 

The project is coordinated by Middle East Technical University (METU) Centre for European Studies (Turkey). Another project partners are: Eskişehir Osmangazi University (Turkey), University of Pristina “Hasan Pristina” (Republic of Kosovo), National University of Ivan Franko in Lviv (Ukraine), National University of Political Science and Public Administration (Romania).

The project serves several aims: contribution to the academic research, exchanging knowledge and experience in this regard and better representation of the countries involved in the project, in addition, increasing activity of youth and civil society on EU-related issues, and deepening relations among students also represent the goals of the project. 

On October 1-2, 2019, first kick-off meeting and conference of project Consortium were held in Ankara, Turkey. Academic personnel from the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Prof. David Aprasidze and Prof. Giorgi Gvalia attended above-mentioned conference.

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