
Workshop: "From Rock Genesis to Degradation - Modern Techniques for the Study of Geological Stability on Rock-cut Cultural Heritage Sites"


On May 4-5, a workshop "From Rock Genesis to Degradation - Modern Techniques for the Study of Geological Stability on Rock-cut Cultural Heritage Sites" will be held in conference hall T102 of the Technology Building at Ilia State University. The workshop is part of the Erasmus+ Ka107 project that is based on scientific and cultural cooperation between the University of Florence (DST-UNIFI) and Ilia State University (ISU), together with the Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA).

Seminars will be conducted by Prof. Mikheil Elashvili (ISU), Prof. David Chkhaidze (ISU); Prof. Raffaello Cioni (UNIFI), Prof. Carlo Alberto Garzonio (UNIFI), researchers Dr. William Frodella, Dr. Teresa Nolesini and Dr. Terese Salvatici, and a researcher Dr. Daniele Spizzichino (ISPRA).


May 4, Thursday

10:00-11:00 Prof. Raffaello Cioni: “Pyroclastic and volcanoclastic deposits; sedimentological characteristics, genesis and emplacement processes”

11:00-12:00 Prof. Carlo Alberto Garzonio, Dr. Teresa Salvatici: “Analyses and diagnostic investigations of stone materials, for the conservation and restoration works: Experience from the Tuscany historic buildings”

12:00-13:00 Dr. William Frodella: “The Cruden and Varnes, 1996 Landslide Classification"

13:00-14:00 Dr. William Frodella: “Application of Infrared thermography for the conservation of cultural heritage sites"

May 5, Friday

10:00-11:00 Dr. Daniele Spizzichino: "State of the art of conservation problems and mitigation measures in
rock-cut Georgian rupestrian sites"

11:00-12:00 Dr. Teresa Nolesini: "Monitoring unstable volcanic flanks and slopes with Ground-based Radar Interferometry: examples from Italy"

12:00-13:00 Dr. David Chkhaidze: “Online Complex Environmental Monitoring Network, to study and monitor Rock-cut monuments”

13:00-14:00 Prof. Mikheil Elashvili: “Study of global climate change effect on rock-cut cultural heritage sites, case studies from Georgia”

The detailed agenda of the workshop is available at the following link:

Date and Time: May 4-5, 10:00-14:00.

Working Language: English

Location: Conference Hall T102, Technology Building, Ilia State University (3/5 K. Cholokashvili Avenue, opposite Vake Park)

Attendance is free.



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