
Admission to practical courses “Digital Communications”


Personal and Professional Development Center and Cyber Laboratory Unilab of Ilia State University announce admission to a 3-month “Digital Communications” practical course.

 About the Digital Communications Course

Using digital platforms and channels to communicate with customers and target audiences is one of the most effective and important means.

You can easily attract the attention of everyone on the Internet today, and for this, you need the right marketing strategy and digital channel. That is why the professions connected to digital communications are some of the most in-demand today and, most importantly, have growing opportunities.

The aim of the course is to get acquainted with the possibilities of digital media, to be able to use social media and other digital channels effectively, to understand the additional possibilities of digital platforms and to use them as needed in the future.

The training is of a practical nature and you will be able to create and manage social media channels yourself during the course. You will use the knowledge and experience gained during the last month while working on a real project.

Duration of the Course and Stages of Teaching

The duration of each course is 3 months and all of them consist of two stages.

The first stage

Theoretical training for 2 months - participants go through the study topics provided by the syllabus and complete practical tasks.

The lecture meetings stipulated by the syllabus will be held 2 times a week and their duration will be 2 hours, on Tuesday  and on Thursday at 19:00. Total – 16 lecture meetings in remote format.

The second stage

The participants will implement real projects to strengthen their knowledge and to create their own portfolio in the second stage of the project. They will be assisted by a practical mentor from the cyber laboratory Unilab in this process.

Who are the courses intended for?

Anyone with any experience interested in digital professions can participate in the course (age: >16).

Course Fee

The full fee for the 3-month course is 880 GEL.

How do I register for courses?

  • To register, you need to fill out a simple registration form:
  • Registration deadline: November 30, 2022, 23:59

Who will teach me?

Mari Mikhanashvili and Keto Akhvlediani, the practitioner-lecturers of the cyber laboratory Unilab, will lead the theoretical teaching process and then mentor the participants in the process of the final project within the Digital Communications course

About the Lecturers

Mari Mikhanashvili – Content Creator of the advertising agency Saatchi & Saatchi. Since 2021, she has been a marketing and communications specialist at the cyber laboratory Unilab of Iliauni, as well as a lecturer of the Basic Computer Skills courses of the Ilia State University and Open Society Foundation Georgia project. Visiting lecturer at Ilia State University for the course: Social Media Marketing.

Keto Akhvlediani – Senior Advertiser of Creative Agency Leavingstone. GeoLab and UniLab Lecturer in Social Media Management and Digital Marketing in Advertising from 2020 to date. She is a Google Ads, Google Analytics, Facebook Ads certified digital marketer since 2020.

Why should I choose the practical courses of Unilab?

The courses give you the opportunity to

  • use the theoretical knowledge gained in the project to implement a real project;
  • create your own portfolio during the training process, which will help you verify your work experience with the employer;
  • master the profession of the future, which will help you become a freelancer or be employed in any company.


For more information






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