
Workshop: „Measuring Democracy: Why and How? “


On November 4, 14:00, Ilia State University (room E 207) will host a workshop, “Measuring Democracy: Why and How“, delivered by the researcher of  Johan Skytte Institute of Political Studies, University of Tartu, Ms. Maili Vilson. The workshop is organized within the framework of the ongoing “Estonian Days in Georgia”.

Working language: English

Annotation: We love to create rankings about everything and everyone in the world: the top 5 best countries to live in, the top 10 books to read this summer, etc. However, in addition to entertainment purposes, many rankings also have a policy impact or an academic stake in it; take Freedom House’s Freedom in the World or Transparency International’s Corruption Perception Index.

The workshop discusses the academic and policy interest behind ranking democracies in the world, introduces some of the well-known democracy indices in the world, and gives the participants an opportunity to construct their own index of democracy.

Maili Vilson (1985) is a doctoral fellow at the Johan Skytte Institute of Political Studies, University of Tartu, and at the Centre for EU-Russia Studies (CEURUS), University of Tartu, Estonia. Her main research interests include the European Neighborhood Policy, Europeanization of foreign policy, democratization and transition studies. She works at the University of Tartu as research communication and marketing specialist and as adjunct lecturer.

Time: November 4, 14:00

Venue: Room E 207, Cholokashvili Ave. 3/5, Ilia State University

Please register for the event here:

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