
Webinar on Public Opinion Research in a Time of War


On June 15, Wednesday, at 14:00, Inna Volosevych, Deputy Director of InfoSapiens, and Michael Druckman, IRI Program Director of Ukraine, will speak at the Webinar on Public Opinion Research in a Time of War.

The Russian invasion of Ukraine constitutes a violation of international law and undermines the democratic principles of international politics. In a time of war, the political and social processes fundamentally change. Understanding the attitudes and opinions of the population and discussing the challenges the public opinion researchers experience under siege is equally important. In March and April, Ukrainian pollsters – InfoSapiens and Rating Group conducted several polls to understand the popular opinions on politically and socially relevant issues. For instance, InfoSapiens surveyed to what extent are Ukrainians resilient against Russian aggression and disapprove the ban on Ukraine’s accession to NATO and EU. The Rating Group conducted the eight national polls to study popular attitudes on war-related topics, including the psychological markers of the war, adaptation of Ukrainians to the war conditions, assessment of the situation in Ukraine, international support of Ukraine and the guilt of the peoples of Russia and Belarus. Reputable international organizations such as IRI Ukraine conducted public opinion polls showing overwhelming support for the Ukrainian President, the confidence of the Ukrainian people in winning the war, as well as willingness and readiness to join the European Union.  

Inna Volosevych, Deputy Director of InfoSapiens and Michael Druckman, IRI Program Director of Ukraine, will discuss topics related to the organization and conduction of these polls in sociological and methodological terms. They will also bring insights into the interpretation of poll results to contextualize the surveyed attitudes.

Inna Volosevych will focus on "What Do Surveys Tell us about the Public Opinions in the Period of War: The Comparative Analysis of Ukraine and Russia" 

Michael Druckman will focus on “Understanding Ukrainian Citizens’ Sentiments on Domestic Politics, International Support and Geopolitical Alignments” 

Date: June 15 Wednesday

Time: 2 pm. Tbilisi Time

Moderator: Prof. Dr. Zarina Burkadze, Secretary General of the Georgian Association for Public Opinion Research

20 minutes discussion for each speaker that is followed by a 10 minutes Q & A session

Language: English   

Short biographies of speakers:


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