
USAID Georgia-ISU Joint Conference: A Review of the 2020 Pre-Election and Exit Polls in Georgia


On 16-18 December, a conference A Review of the 2020 Pre-Election and Exit Polls in Georgia will be held by Ilia State University (ISU) in partnership with USAID Georgia. The goal of the conference is to bring together leading polling organizations, academics, international experts and NGOs to review methodological aspects relating to pre-election and exit polls, as well as pre-election environment.

Conference participants include international polling companies Edison Research and Ipsos, leading Georgian polling organizations Analysis and Consulting Team (ACT), Caucasus Research Resource Centers (CRRC), Institute of Social Studies and Analysis (ISSA) and ANOVA; Georgian Young Lawyers Association (GYLA); International Society for Fair Elections and Democracy; ISU Rector Giga Zedania; USAID Georgia representatives; Professor Michael Traugott, Former AAPOR and WAPOR President; Professor Peter Miller, Former AAPOR President; Scott Keeter, A Senior Survey Advisor of Pew Research Center and former AAPOR President, Trevor Tompson, Senior Vice President of The Associated Press-NORS Center for Public Affairs Research.

The conference is supported by USAID Good Governance Initiative (USAID GGI).

The conference will be held remotely via zoom and will be streamed on the ISU Facebook page.

Quick links

  • Conference Day 1, 16 December   


  • Conference Day 2, 18 December 



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