
Third Sociology Conference


Local Problems in Global World

July 3, 2014

School of Arts and Sciences organizes third sociology conference "Local Problems in Global World", on July 3, 2014.  Borders between local and global becomes more fluid in our modern times. Reality that takes place in local context often becomes part of global complex social changes.

Aim of the conference:
Sociology students and young researchers interested in the field will have an opportunity to meet each other, broaden their academic network, discuss their work and share their ideas; also, they will be able to inspect important challenges and barriers of the modern world - a special impulse for sociological imagination.

Conference participants:    
B.A. M.A and PhD students of sociology may participate in the conference.

Best articles will be published in the conference collection. Winning students will receive prizes. All participants will receive certificate and a special gift. 

Interested candidates must send a one-page CV, conference work abstract (300 words max.) and thesis supervisor's recommendation, on the following address:  Application deadline is May 25, 2014.

For additional information please contact us on the noted E-mail address. 

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