
The Debate Club of Iliauni is accepting new members


Debate Clubs exist at the universities of many countries around the world, and their popularity is fueled by the form of the game, which helps students develop important skills for a new, future career.

After passing the relevant competition, Bachelor's degree students of Iliauni can join the Debate Club. They will be able to participate in national and international debate forums, which are constantly held under the auspices of the Georgian Institute for Debate and Education in the future. This institute is the only member organization of the International Debate Association in Georgia. The world-wide forum includes all countries that have Debate Clubs.

Those, who wish to join the club must pass a two-stage competition.

The first stage is registration.

The second – oral interview.

To register at the first stage, visit the link:

Registration deadline: November 9, 23:59

In order to successfully pass the competition and become a member of the Debate Club, we invite you to the presentation of the club to get detailed information.

Time: November 9, 18:00.

Location: K. Cholokashvili St. N 3 / 5, T102 conference hall


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