
Student Scientific Conference 2010


The College of Sports of the Ilia State University plans to organize a student scientific conference on May 19, 2010. The conference sets the goal to support exchange of knowledge and experience, promote active and motivated students and award them.

Students will have an opportunity to share their ideas and suggestions concerning new undergraduate programs of the College of Sports. The winners and their mentors will be awarded certificates.
Application form has to contain the following information:
•    Name and surname of a speaker
•    Affiliation to the university
•    Postal address, telephone (cell), e-mail address
•    Title of the paper
•    Name of the mentor, her status

Papers are to be submitted in the following form:
•    Language of the text – Georgian;
•    Size of the paper – A-4;
•    Margins: top and bottom – 2cm, right – 1,5cm, left – 3cm;
•    Script – AcadNusx;
•    Size of the script – 12;
•    Line spacing – 1,5.
Texts are to be submitted according to the following formatting:
Title of the paper: AcadNusx, bold, size of the script 14;
Author: AcadNusx, bold, size of the script 12, initials (before the name), name of the author and the mentor have to be written on the right side, initials should be written without intervals and in italic;
Main text: AcadNusx, size of the script 12;
Each speaker will be given 10 minutes. Electronically submitted theses are accepted at the following address: It is possible to deliver theses in person too (CD version).

For additional information please, contact us under: 22 99 70
Application deadline: May 10, 2010.

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