
Startup Culture in Silicon Valley


On 25 November, 10:30 Jouya Jadidian will host a public lecture: “Startup Culture in Silicon Valley”.

Ever wondered why silicon-valley has been and continues to be a hub for unicorn start-ups in all disciplines? How this bay  area attracts the top technology talent, entrepreneur, and businesspeople? We will talk about the culture and processes that give this part of the world a unique head start.

Next, we review the top technology trends among best funded startups and take a look at a few successful stories in these fields.

Lastly, we discuss what it takes to transform a new idea and to a successful business by building a vision and a team around it, raise money in different stages, protect the intellectual property and eventually go to market and scale.

About the Speaker

Jouya Jadidiani received a PhD in electrical engineering and computer science from MIT in 2013 where he stayed for a year after to work on a couple of startups before joining Apple in 2014. Both of these startups are active today in the areas of consumer electronics and digital health. 

At Apple, Jouya is leading a team of technologists conducting research broadly on applied machine learning and autonomous systems.

Language: English

Time: 25 November 2019, 10:30

Venue: T102,  Ilia State University (3/5 Cholokashvili Ave.)

Attendance is free.

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