
“Russia – Georgia: Information War”


On August 7, 15:00, the Georgian National Museum (Rustaveli Ave. 3; the Museum of Occupation; 3rd floor) will host a presentation of the book titled “Russia-Georgia: Information War. August, 2008” (Книга Олега Панфилова «Россия – Грузия: информационная война. Август 2008») by Oleg Panfilov.

The book is the first edition published by Ilia State University Press under the series which portrays the information conflict of two countries since 1819. The book includes a part of the materials concerning information conflict occurred during several years till August 2008 as well as the pieces of describing military actions throughout the five-day war.

The book illustrates a violation of journalists' rights and points up the facts of using information outlets by Russia against Georgia.

The book also includes the data obtained through the sociological researches carried out in Russia. In addition, the publication contains many examples of propaganda campaigns directed to the transformation of public opinion in Russia as well as using the misinformation to strengthen the Russian version of the war.

Oleg Panfilov, author of the book, is a professor at Ilia State University. Oleg Panfilov was born in 1957 in Tajikistan. He studied and worked at the Institute of History at the Tajik Academy of Sciences. Since 1974, he has been also working as a journalist. He is an author of more than 3000 articles in papers and journals around the world.  Since 1992, Panfilov has been actively working for the defense movement. He is a director of the Russian Bureau of the Committee to Protect Journalists; Glasnost Defense Foundation Monitoring Group and Center for Journalism in Extreme Situations. Mr. Panfilov is an author of eight film scripts. In addition, he is an author and editor of 29 books.

Oleg Panfilov is a laureate of several international prizes. He is also an author and leading journalist of the program “Land of Democracy “transmitting on the First Caucasus News Channel (ПИК) in Russian.

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