
Public Lecture -„Macroeconomic and Microeconomic Implications of the Distributed Profit Taxation System, the Estonian Experience“


On October 4, 14:00, in room G 106 of Ilia State University (ISU) a public lecture will be delivered by lecturer of Tartu University, Mark Kantšukov on the topic Macroeconomic and Microeconomic Implications of the Distributed Profit Taxation System, the Estonian Experience. The lecture will be held within the event “Estonian Days in Georgia”.

Working language: English


In the mid of 2016 the parliament of Georgia proposed changes to the country’s tax laws to introduce a new system of corporate income taxation according to which businesses will have to pay income tax only on distributed profits. Estonia introduced a similar model in 2000 and so far it has been the only country in the world having this system of corporate taxation. Georgia, which used Estonian tax model as an example, will be the second country in the world to adopt such a model.

What can Georgia learn from the Estonian almost two decades long experience? In the lecture macroeconomic and microeconomic implications, both theoretical and practical aspects of the distributed profit taxation system for Estonia are discussed. The main focus of the presentation lies on the results of previous scientific and applied studies.


Time: 4 November, 14:00

Venue: room G106, G. Tsereteli Str. 1

All are welcome to attend the event.

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