
Public Lecture by Doctor Irina Marchesini called Are you Immortal? Umberto Eco and others on reading


On 22 January, at 18:00, at Ilia State University Book House Ligamus, Dr. Irina Marchesini, lecturer at the University of Bologna, will deliver a public lecture called “Are you Immortal? Umberto Eco and others on reading.”

Short abstract: According to Umberto Eco, Italian novelist and literary critic, “[a]t the age of 70, those who don’t read will have led only one life: their own! Those who read will have lived 5000 lives: they were there when Cain killed Abel, when Renzo married Lucia and when Leopardi admired the infinite… because literature is backwards immortality”. Starting from this premise, the plenary lecture will address the process of reading from a comparative perspective. Case studies will include Italian and Russian-America authors, as Umberto Eco, Italo Calvino, Alessandro Manzoni, Vladimir Nabokov. Dr Irina Marchesini is at the Institute of Comparative Literature of Ilia State University within the framework of Erasmus + Teaching Mobility for Academic Staff.

Language: English

Date and time: 22 January, 18:00

Venue: Book House Ligamus (Chavchavadze Ave. #32), Ilia State University

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