
Professor Vladimir Tismaneanu public lecture: "Fantasies of salvation in Central Europe. Crisis politics subsequent to the 1990s"


Ilia State University is launching a series of public lectures "Crisis and Criticism", in which the classes will be taught by outstanding foreign scientists. This series is supported by the Academic Swiss Caucasus Net (ASCN) and the University of Fribourg (Switzerland).

First speaker will of the cycle is Vladimir Tismaneanu Professor of University of Maryland (USA), director of the Center for the Study of Post-Communist Societies. He will be delivering a public lecture "Fantasies of salvation in Central Europe. Crisis politics subsequent to the 1990s" on June 9, at 18:00, at Ilia State University G 106 lecture hall.

Vladimir Tismaneanu's lecture will discuss the relationship between memory and democracy in the post-Soviet Romania, as well as interrelations of values ​​and political crises in this issue. He will try to tackle the main question: Can communism and fascism still have future in Eastern and Central Europe?

Time: June 9, 18:00

Venue: ISU Lecture Hall G 106 (G. Tsereteli Street 1)

Working Language: English (simultaneous translation in Georgian)

Attendance is free and open.

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