
Professor Georg Lomann Public Lectures on Human Rights


Philosophy Professor Georg Lomann of University of Magdeburg is holding public lectures on human rights on November 5, 6, and 7. The event is organized by Ilia State University Social and Cultural Research Institute.
Lecture 1: („Different Conceptions and a General Concept of Human Rights“
November 5, 12:00 p.m. E 235 hall
Lecture 2: „How to Justify Global Social Rights“
November 6, 15:00 p.m. E 304 hall
Lecture 3: „Tolerance and the Right to Freedom of Expression“
November 6, 15:00 p.m. E 401 hall

Lectures are held in English with consequent translations.
Attendance is free.

Georg Lomann is a prominent human rights theorist. He worked in University of Vienna as a visiting professor; since 1996 he is a Professor of philosophy in University f Magdeburg. Since 2009 he is a researcher at interdisciplinary research center in Bielefeld University. Georg Lemann has published the following books:

• „Democratic Society and Civil Virtues in East and West” („Demokratische Zivilgesellschaft und Bürgertugenden in Ost und West“), 2002;
• „Are Human Rights Universally Important? Arguing and Questioning “(„GeltenMenschenrechte universal? Begründungen und Infragestellungen“), 2008;
• „Human Rights. Interdisciplinary Manual” („Menschenrechte. Ein interdisziplinäres Handbuch“), 2012.

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