
Presentation of the Government PR Activity Index


On May 23, 15:00, Ilia State University will host a presentation of “The Government PR Activity Index” by Iliauni Business Review (IBR).

Venue: G. Tsereteli 2. Ilia State University Hall G 106

The index implies the counting of PR events publicized by the Ministries through their official web pages. It includes: public events organized by the respective ministries; reports, presentations, important meetings, official announcements, organizational changes, achievements and recognitions.

The government PR activity index is a component sub-index of Georgia’s PR activity index. For information: Georgia’s PR activity index includes two key sub-indexes: Government PR Activity Index and Business PR Activity Index.  

The indexes of Business and Georgia PR Activities are put in work process and the results will be familiarized with the society in every week from 30th May, 2012.

Iliauni Business Review is prepared by the researchers of Economic Researches & Consultation Center at the Department of Business.

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