
Presentation CAUCASUS at a CROSSROADS, Ilia State University


The “Caucasus Initiative” is a new independent and unaligned European Policy Center committed to
dialogue and discovery. The mission of our research team is to analyze contemporary issues related to de facto states and the Black Sea area, enriching perceptions of the region and furthering international

The Center is not taking any institutional policy positions. Our research team is publishing a range of
views from our members and external contributors, free to express their own view on the issues related to the Caucasus.

The Policy Center is conduction research on the following topics:

  • The conflict between Armenia, and Azerbaijan in Nagorno-Karabakh
  • The conflict between Georgia and Abkhazia
  • The conflict between Georgia and South-Ossetia
  •  International Law in Caucasus
  •  Security and Defence in Caucasus
  •  Migration and refugee crisis in Caucasus
  • Environmental issues in Caucasus
  •  Challenges in the EU’s and EEU’s neighbourhoods

The Policy Center brings together key actors from the broad policy community in Europe and Russia -
politicians, officials, media, academia, diplomats, business, unions, NGOs - during events and

Dr. Michael Eric LAMBERT
Michael owns a Ph.D. in History of Europe & International Relations at Sorbonne University (France)
with a focus on the EU-Russia in post-Soviet space. Following publications for the French Ministry of
Armed Forces, he worked at the University of Ottawa (Canada) as a Visiting Researcher. He joined the
Caucasus Initiative in April 2016.
He will present the project in general and his main conclusions regarding the increasing
influence of the Eurasian Economic Union in Caucasus.

Following her dual Master / LLM at the University of Aix Marseille (France) and the University of
Ottawa (Canada), Sophie did an internship at the Special Tribunal for Lebanon and the International
Criminal Tribunal for the Former-Yugoslavia in the Hague. She joined Caucasus Initiative in April 2016.
She will present her main conclusions regarding the partial recognition of Abkhazia by the
International Community.

Mihail is currently enrolled in IESEG’s M.Sc. in Management and Finance (France) with a focus on
International economics and trade in the post-Soviet space. He joined the Caucasus Initiative in Mai 2017.
He will present his opinion regarding the DCFTA agreement between the European Union and

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