
Premiere at Iliauni Theatre


On June 17-18, Ilia State University Theatre will host the next premiere of Lali Kekelidze’s play "Comedy on Tragedy or "the Seagull" in Georgian during Russian Tea" (”კომედია ტრაგედიაზე, ანუ „ЧАЙКА“ ПО-ГРУЗИНСКИ, ВО ВРЕМЯ РУССКОГО ЧАЕПИТИЯ.”) Lali Kekelidze is a producer; choreographer and musical designer of the performance as well as the main scene-painters are Beka Sadaghashvili and Tamuna Chavchanidze. The first-year students of ISU Theatre Arts Development Centre (Lasha Ambidze, George Mosiashvili, and George Shakarashvili) will take part in the performance along with the following professional artists: Misha Arjevanidze, George Kalandadze, Keti Asatiani, Nika Tserediani, Andro Baratashvili, Zaza Vashakmadze, Maia Gelovani and Eka Demetradze. 

The play is devoted to the August War 2008. The main characters of the play (Ivan Petrovich and Petre Ivanovich) are speaking sharply and openly about the intentions of Russia towards Georgia, the Caucasus and the world.

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