
No Old No City


Ilia State University, School of Natural Sciences and Engineering, Architecture Program will host an invited professor Markus Penell, an Architect and Urban planner, head of O&O Baukunst Berlin office ( During the visit Markus Penell will give one-week intensive course, which will consist of lecturing and studio work/critics/individual discussions in designing the projects.
Goal of the project is to transform abandoned industrial buildings and structures into new living or working areas, to discuss opportunities, which can be realized in Tbilisi and Georgia by reusing/refurbishing existing buildings.

25th of November (17:30) Markus Penell will lead a discussion “No Old No City!”, which will be held at ImpactHUB (Fabrika). Together with Georgian architects, public figures and students will be discussing strategies of transforming and reusing the OLD.

The project is funded through the Democracy Outreach Program, U.S. Embassy in Georgia

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