
Meeting with employees of Czech University of Life Science in Prague


On July 11th , 19:00, in room E207, Ilia State University will host employees of Czech University of Life Science in Prague.

Speaker : Martin Kulma, Researcher from Czech University of Life Science in Prague.

The topic of the lecture: How can insects feed the world?

Description : The currently increasing world population, with increasing per capita consumption and

dietary habit changes, poses higher demands on the nutritional resources production for both animals

as well as for humans. In the limited and exploited resources, livestock farming is becoming

unsustainable. Production of sufficient high-quality protein with minimalisation of the environmental

footprint has thus become one of major challenges for humans. Insects are considered to be one of

potential alternatives. The presentation will provide both basic and novel information about their

nutritional value as well as about the experimental usage as feed for farm animals.

Speaker : Veronika Tůmová, aquaponics specialist from Czech University of Life Science in Prague

The topic of the lecture: Sustainable food production using aquaponics - current state and future


Description: Nowadays, building aquaponic systems has become trandy because of its advantage

combining hydrophonic and aquaculture systems together. The presentation will provide you

information about the benefits of aquaponic systems. Following questions will be addressed by the

specialist: Can be aquaponics successful way of producing food? What are the main issues? What are

future perspectives of aquaponics?

Date: 11.07.2018

Time: 19:00

Location: E207 room, (3/5, Kakutsa Cholokashvili Ave, Tbilisi, Georgia), Ilia State University.

All are welcome to attend the event.

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