


On October 18, at Ilia State University(ISU), at the invitation of Georgian National Book Center and initiative of ISU, a meeting with writer Boris Akunin (GrigolChkhartishvili) will be held.

Regarding Boris Akunin

The contemporary most popular Russian writer of Georgian descent, specialist in literature and Japanese, translator and public figure, GrirolChkhartishvili, known as Boris Akunin, was born in 1956, in Zestafoni District in Western Georgia. Shortly after his birth, his family moved to Russia and settled down in Moscow, where the writer grew up. He received education in Russia, and now he is a historian, Japanese language specialist and a translator of literary works. His different essays (for instance, The Writer and Suicide, 1999), as well as works of historical genre (for instance, The History of Russian State since 2013) have been published.

The first fiction by Boris Akunin was published in 1998. He won acclaim thanks to the series of historical and detective novels ErastFandorin. His novels have been translated in many languages. GrigolChkhartishvili has been an emigrant since 2014.

At the meeting, the writer will answer questions posed from the audience.

The moderator of the meeting is Maia Jag, critic of literature and cultural journalist residing in London, as well as the partner of Georgian National Book Center.

Regarding Maia Jag

Maia Jag is a critic of literature and cultural journalist, who has received a great number of awards. She got education at the University of Oxford and London School of Economics. Her articles have been published in the Financial Times andthe Guardian. Ms. Jag has interviewed 12 Nobel laureates in Literatures and has been a jury member/chairperson of a great number of literary contests, such as Dublin Impac Prize or Man Asian Literary Prize in Hong Kong.    

After completion of the meeting, the writer will get the title of honorary doctor of ISU.

The Meeting Program

19:00-19:15 –Welcome Speech

Prof. Giga Zedania, Rector of ISU

Salome Mglakelidze, Manager of International Projects of Georgian National Book Center.

Maia Jag, critic of literature and cultural journalist.

19:15-19:30 - Speech

Boris Akunin (GrigolChkartishvili)

19:30-20:15 - Interview

20:15-20:30 – The Award Ceremony of the Title of ISU Honorary Doctor

Time: 18 October, 19:00

Venue:room B 202 Ilia Chavchavadze Ave. #32, ISU

Language:English, simultaneous translation will be provided

Number of places: 250

All are welcomed to attend the event. 

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