
MDF and GDI Students Discussion


Media Development Foundation (MDF) and Georgian Democratic Initiative (GDI) presents discussion around the topic "Opposing Xenophobia and Discrimination in Georgian Politics and Media", on March 26, 5 p.m. Ilia State University hall E 207.

Discussion is held in the scope of "No to Phobia" campaign and follows media monitoring presentation. It is lead by MDF chairman Tamar Kintsurashvili, executive director of this foundation, Tamar Khorbaladze and human rights law specialist and GDI member, Giorgi Mshveniaradze.

MDF and GDI implement the project "Opposing Xenophobia and Discrimination in Georgian Politics and Media" in scope of program "Enhancing National Integration in Georgia", with the financial aid of UNA Georgia and USAID.

The aim of the project is to unite civil sector to oppose xenophobia and discrimination and develop united civil platform - "No to Phobia". Ilia State University students may participate in the discussion.

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