
Literary Hero in the Past and Today


On January 17, 18:00, ISU will host lectures by Jaba Zarkua and Ana Kordzaia-Samadashvili, the prize-winners of ISU literary competition "The Best Georgian Novel 2012-2013", on the topics: "Hero" and "2084".

A hero, who is not distinguished by his exceptional courage in struggle or work; he is not a key actor gifted with the virtue of the ancient epic poems and myths. He is simply a character of the work of art.

We should jointly discuss the face of a literary hero in the previous century and how he looks like nowadays.  We must think what kind of hero a modern Georgian reader is waiting for. 

Venue: Conference Hall G106 (Cholokashvili Ave.3/5).

For Attendence, please register to the following (name,surname,title and contact info).

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