
Kindergarten Management Strategy


On October 6, 2011, 11:30 a.m., Ilia State University (Hall A 101, Chavchavadze Ave. 32) will host a presentation of the Education Program and Management Strategies for Kindergartens. The presentation will be attended by Gigi Ugulava, Tbilisi Mayor; Peter Langerberg, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Netherlands to Georgia and Ruland Monash, Representative of UNICEF in Georgia.

According to the new initiative of Tbilisi City Hall, the educational processes occurring in the kindergartens located in Tbilisi will be developed in line with the new program.  The new everyday program based on child development standards has been launched in the ISU Pre-School Education Centre with support of UNICEF and aims to enhance social, emotional, cognitive, oral, physical and creative skills of children.

On October 8, 2011 the cycle of trainings dedicated to the management strategies for kindergartens will take start and last throughout five months. The training will cover the whole staff of the kindergartens and be carried out by Georgian Portage Association with support of MATRA Program of the Embassy of Netherlands in Georgia and Agency of the Kindergarten’s Management.

The second document entitled “Management Strategy for Kindergartens” has been created within the reforms of the kindergartens placed in Tbilisi with the purpose of developing the system and service of pre-school institutions.

The strategy aims to create the environment oriented on child’s rights and interests in pre-school education institutions. The documentation regulates the following issues: necessary documentations for child’s development and health, nutrition, hygiene, healthcare, inclusion of children with special needs, involvement of family members in education process, physical and social environment and etc. The last chapter of the document illustrates the specific strategies to implement the above-mentioned issues into practice.

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