
International Workshop “Georgia Historical Ice-Core Project (GHICP): Pilot Publications and Next Stages”


On July 11-12, the Research Center “Cultural Heritage and Environment” at Ilia State University, together with international partners, is planning an international workshop on “Georgia Historical Ice-Core Project (GHICP): Pilot Publications And Next Stages.”

The workshop will be conducted as part of the grant agreement signed between our university and the University of Nottingham. Researchers from the United Kingdom, USA, Germany and France, along with invited guests, students from Georgia will participate in the event.

The main objective of the workshop is to establish an international research consortium and reach an agreement on a common research topic for the EU-USA-UK project “CESOC-Caucasus: Climate, Environment and Social Change in the Caucasus”.

A detailed agenda is available at the following link:


Christopher Loveluck, Prof. Dr. Department of Classics and Archaeology, University of Nottingham, UK
Andrei Kurbatov, Prof. Dr. Climate Change Institute, University of Maine, US
Lizi Gadrani, PhD student Climate Change Institute, University of Maine, US
Mikheil Elashvili, Prof, Dr. Ilia State University, GE
Levan Tielidze, Prof. Dr. Ilia State University, GE, Victoria University of Wellington, NZ
Helmut Brueckner, Prof. Dr. Institute of Geography, University of Cologne, DE
Hannes Laermans, Dr. Institute of Geography, University of Cologne, DE
Anca-Cristina Dan, Prof. Dr. National Center for Scientific Research, Ecole Normale Superieure, FR
Udo Schlotzhauer, Dr. German Archaeological Institute (DAI), DE
Hans Von Suchodoletz, Dr. Institute of Geography, University of Leipzig, DE
Nathaniel Erb-Satullo, Prof, Dr. Forensic Institute , Cranfield University, UK

The first two days, July 11-12, will be dedicated to speeches and workshops. On July 13, a field research trip to Dmanisi is planned, followed by a trip to the Samegrelo-“Zemo” (upper) Svaneti region from July 14 to 18, which is a major area for future research.

Working language: English

Date: July 11-12

Location: Room E207, Ilia State University, 3/5 K. Cholokashvili avenue



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