
International Conference on Psychotraumatology Trauma and Society


On 25-26 April 2019, Ilia State University (ISU) will host the Natalia Zazashvili International Annual Conference on Psychotraumatology Trauma and Society. The main theme of the conference is Professional Standards and Evidence-based Approaches. Among other issues treatment of trauma, guidelines for evidence-based prevention and institutional mechanisms for supporting professional ethics will be addressed.

The conference has been organized by the ISU Mental Health Resource Centre and ISU Institute of Addiction Studies in cooperation with the Georgian Society of Psychotrauma, the Georgian Centre for Medical Rehabilitation of Torture Victims, the foundation Global Initiative on Psychiatry – Tbilisi and Union Sapari working for the rehabilitation of the victims of domestic violence.

Within the frames of the conference, workshops will be conducted by Professor Jonathan Bisson of Cardiff University, former President of the European Society of Traumatic Stress Studies and Professor Julia Schellog of the University Medical Centre Hamburg-Eppendorf, former President of the Society of Traumatic Stress Studies for German speaking countries (DeGPT).


Languages: English, Georgian

Time: 25-26 April 2019, 11:00

Venue: Ligamus Book House, Ilia State University (32 Ilia Chavchavadze Ave.)

Attendance is free.


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