
International Book Day


Ilia State University invites you to several interesting events on the international book and copyright day.

Thus, on Wednesday, April 23:

From 11 a.m.  and all week a Book Drive will be set up by ISU A building entrance (Chavchavadze 32) – donate books that will be passed on to high altitude regions.

From 11 a.m. and all day a wandering book event will take place on the bookstore Ligamus patio – leave or take books that you like.

1 p.m. Iliauni students will stage a flash mob on Chavchavadze Av.

2 p.m. National library will present Georgian nominees for the international Astrid Lindgren Award, in bookstore Ligamus.

3 p.m. A special guest, children’s books author and illustrator, Sandro Asatiani will read fairy tales to 6-8- year-olds in bookstore Ligamus. Ligamus staff will offer fun and engaging activities.  

5 p.m. Iliauni “Book Reading Club” will read Jean-Paul Sartre’s “The Wall”

8 p.m. Iliauni theater students and graduates will perform a piece based on William Shakespeare’s sonnets on Iliauni Theater stage.



Everyone is welcome to attend and participate in the events.

We are looking forward to seeing you! 

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