
International Association for Group Psychotherapy and Group Processes (IAGP) Student Conference


On 22-24 January, 2019, Ilia State University (ISU), together with the Georgian Group Psychotherapy Association (GGPA) and the International Association for Group Psychotherapy and Group Processes (IAGP) will hold a conference on group psychotherapy at ISU A101.

Conference speakers and topics:

22 January

  • History and Future Perspectives of International Association of Group Psychotherapy and Group Processes: 

Speaker: Richard Beck (USA) – IAGP President;

  • Challenge for IAGP Future Contribution to the Migration Psychological Trauma and Crisis

Speaker: Catherine Mela – MD (Greece), IAGP Vice-President, IAGP Chair of Research Committee;

  • Centenary of the Journal “DER NEUE DAIMON” (The New Daimon) in an Austrian Perspective 

Speaker: Michael Wisier – PhD, IAGP Treasure (Austria).

23 January

  • More Spontaneity Less Anxiety. Can We Measure Spontaneity?

Speaker: Galabina Tarashoeva – MD; Petra Marinova-Djambazova – MD, PhD, Psychodrama Center & Psychiatric Practice Orpheus (Sofia, Bulgaria);

  • Complementary/Integration of Psychotherapeutic Practices: An Insightful Understanding 

Speaker: Mona Rackawy (Egypt);

  • Exploration of Multi-Sensory Rituals and Their Significance in Healing and Therapy. An Experience from India

Speaker: Magdalene Jeyarathnam (India);

24 January

  • Psychodrama and Research of Social Role

Speaker: Marcia Almeida Batista (Brazil);

  • The Social Dreaming Matrix as a Research Method: from the ‘Foundation Myth’ to Dreams as Semiophores

Speaker: Domenico Agresta (Italy).

Language: English

Time: 22 January, 19:00-21:00
23 January, 19:00-21:00
24 January, 19:00-20:30

Venue: Room A101, Ilia State University (32 Ilia Chavchavadze ave.)

Attendance is free.

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