
Iliauni Science Picnic 2015


Ilia State University is holding 4th Science Picnic.

Science Picnic is one-day open air event that aims to present science in a fun and accessible way for audience of every age and every field. It is organized by Ilia State University and co-organized by Tbilisi City Hall.

Science Picnic is the only large-scale event in Georgia that helps popularize science amongst every age category.

  • 2012 Iliauni Science Picnic had 7 000 visitors.
  • The event became part of European Science Events Association (EuSEA) in 2013; it had 13 000 visitors. The largest Game of Robots was important addition, organized by Iliauni.
  • 60 Georgian and 20 foreign groups were registered for the Science Picnic 2014.  We had invited a world-renown animator for such events, who moderated each activity and ensured active involvement of the visitors in the scientific events. Game of Robots was traditionally held in Science Picnic 2015. Event had more then 15 000 visitors.

This year, during Science Picnic 2015, we are going to organize first Maker’s Fair in Georgia. The event will gather together creators, craftsmen, and makers from different fields to share crafts, products, artifacts, and knowhow with the general public.

Based on the past experience, we are expecting increased number of visitors.

Science Picnic 2015 will be held 26 th of September, 2015.

If you are interested in participation, complete the Application Form and send it to following email:

The deadline for application is May 31.

Science Picnic is a free of charge event that is open to general public, schools, universities, NGOs, government, etc., that may be interested in science popularization and scientific shows, presented during the event. Iliauni Science Picnic will be publicized and advertised through various ways to allow interested groups to attend the event.

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