
History Dialog. Presentation of the internationl discussion in the history of nation building by terror in Soviet Georgia


A book's presentation:

Marc Junge, Bernd Bonwetsch, Daniel Müller: "Georgia on its way. Shades  of Stalinism", Tiflis 2018 (in Georgian language).

PD Dr. Marc Junge, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany

With support from German Volkswagen Foundation a team of German and Georgian historians together with the Archival Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia researched and published sources of the repressions in Georgia in 1937-1938. Over the interpretation of these sources concerning the relationship between ethnos and terror some dispute occurred that is analysed and discussed by 45 Georgian, Abkhaz, Ossetes, Germans, British und US and other scholars that are collected in the book "Georgia on its Way - Shadows of Stalinism".

After the presentation of this book there will be a possibility to discuss the role of scholars in politically sensitive issues.

Moderator: Prof. Oliver Reisner, Ilia State University

Date: Monday, March 19, 2018

Time: 17h00 - 20h30

Venue: LIGAMUS Book Store, Chavchavadze Ave. 32, Tbilisi


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