
Globalization - developmets and opportunities


On June 13, at 17:00, in Ilia State University auditorium T102, Erik Borg, professor of business administration will deliver a public lecture “Globalization - developments and opportunities.”

About the Speaker

Erik Borg is a professor of business administration. He has conducted research on economic integration in the EU and on Eastern Germany's inclusion into the Global economy. Other related areas are the Globalization of health care and the growing Medical Tourism industry. Together with Lars Vigerland he has also published research on the Georgian Wine industry.

About the Lecture

The lecture illustrates how all business activities are both local and global and that new opportunities appear in the global market. The world economy has gone through a series of critical events in order to become truly global. The fall of communism and the inclusion of China into the world economy has enabled companies to work in a global environment. All business is truly both local and global at the same time. Digitalization has increased the opportunities for companies to be born global.

Date and Time: June 13, 17:00 –19:00

Location: Auditorium T102, 3/5 Kakutsa Cholokashvili Ave

Working Language: English

Attendance is free




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