
Erica Benner’s Public Lecture “Do Democracies Need Nationalism?”


Ilia State University will host a lecture “Do Democracies Need Nationalism?” by the writer and researcher, Erica Benner, on May 25, at 15:00.

The lecture will be moderated by Hans Gutbrod, Associate Professor of Ilia State University.

Those who wish to attend must register no later than May 23rd.

To register follow the link:

About the Lecture:

The rise of extreme nationalism is one of the greatest challenges facing democracies today. But while most defenders of liberal democracy want to drive nationalism off the political playing field, some argue that democracies need to embrace national values and strengthen national identities if they want to survive. Are they right? What are the risks of relying on nationalism to heal our damaged democracies?

Biography of Erica Benner

Erica Benner is a writer and scholar who works on moral and political thought. Erica has taught at Oxford, the London School of Economics and the Central European University and recently has published a number of well-acclaimed books on Machiavelli (see She has worked on nationalism since the early 1990s, and holds a DPhil from the University of Oxford.

Working language: English

Time: 25 May, 15:00

Live - Event Link:



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