
Ceremony of Awarding of the Title of Emeritus


On November 5, 2010, at 6pm Ilia State University will award three professors with the title of Emeritus. The festive ceremony will take place at the Ligamus café. (address: 32 Ilia Chavchavadze Avenue). Professors of Ilia State University, Lia Loria, Manana Nemsadze and Gia Machabeli will be awarded the titles of Emeritus for their outstanding service. Titles will be given in accordance with the regulations defined by the Georgian legislation.

According to the law on Higher Education of Georgia (chapter 5, paragraph 39) higher education institution awards all full professors of the age of 65 title of Emeritus. Based on the same law higher education institution is responsible for covering the difference between the salary of an awarded person and an amount of the state pension. Otherwise than in case of some other titles Emeritus will enjoy additional social guarantees that will be covered from the budget of the same institution.

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