
AI in Medical Imaging


On 26 November, 10:30 Sepideh Almasi will host a public lecture: “AI in Medical Imaging”.

Medical image analysis having a direct influence on patients survival demands a great deal of time and accuracy from radiologists. To improve the quality of clinical workflow and increase the patient care level, researchers have developed a wide range of algorithms that based on machine learning and computer vision concepts, automatically or with small supervision handle images and deliver actionable insights. Sefide Almas, lead engineer of Silicon Valley based AI Imaging Startup Ninesai, will look into some of these techniques and their impact on healthcare.

About the Speaker 

Sepideh Almasi started her research in medical image processing at Radiology department of Harvard Medical School in 2011.  After finishing her PhD at Tufts University in electrical and computer engineering, she joined school of medicine at Stanford University as a postdoctoral fellow focusing on improving the resolution of microscopy images. Currently, she is an AI lead engineer at Ninesai, an early stage startup developing machine learning techniques for enhancing radiology pipeline and patient survival.

Language: English

Time: 26 November 2019, 10:30

Venue: T102,  Ilia State University (3/5 Cholokashvili Ave.)

Attendance is free.

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