
Aerated Drinks Market - Results Presentation


On June 20, 15:00, Ilia State University will host a presentation of the research “Aerated Drinks Market – Tbilisi” prepared by Iliauni Business Review (IBR).

Venue: G.Tsereteli 2, Ilia State University Hall G 106

The research aims to reveal the most popular brand producing aerated drinks. The research was conducted from June 1 to 10, in the fifteen markets of “Populi” network and covered eleven regions of Tbilisi.

The fixed preferences of 65-75 people at each market object were studied under the research. The research doesn’t cover the number of sold products, but highlights the consumer preferences. 

The following 14 brands were studied in frames of the research: Coca-Cola, Fanta, Sprite, Pepsi, Mirinda, 7 Api, Lipton, Natakhtari, Zandukeli, Zedazeni, Shkhefi, Iberia, Laghidze, Kazbegi.

The results are grouped according to the popularity of brands and sexual structure. The review of Aerated Drinks Market 2011 will be presented in annexes.

Iliauni Business Review is prepared by the researchers of Economic Researches and Consultation Center of ISU Department of Business

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