4th International Conference “Tao-Klarjeti”
Ilia State University
4th International Conference “Tao-Klarjeti”
21-24 September, 2016
Tao-Klarjeti, as a collective name, stands for the north-eastern historical provinces of Turkey (Tao, Klarjeti, Shavsheti, Kola, Artaani, Chrdili, etc.). Due to its strategic location as a meeting point of various ethnic groups and an intersection of cultures, the Tao-Klarjeti region has consistently and throughout the centuries attracted interest of various larger powers and regional actors.
Tao-Klarjeti is rich in historic political, administrative, episcopal and monastic centers, replete with churches, late antique and medieval fortifications, monumental paintings and reliefs, manuscript heritage and gold artifacts.
International and local political, social, economic, demographic and ethno-confessional processes have left a long-lasting impact on the daily life of the peoples of Tao-Klarjeti and have been engrained in religious practices, place names, languages and dialects.
Early state formations on the territory of Tao-Klarjeti, as well as new political and religious centers that appeared throughout the middle ages, have played a crucial role in the formation of Georgian culture and eventually, statehood.
Unfortunately, for a long time travel to the region was restricted and possibilities for scholarly research were scarce. Nowadays Tao-Klarjeti is visited by an increasing number of scholars, along with a constantly growing flow of tourists.
The gradual exposure of the region to a wider public has generated a strong scholarly and public interest in the Tao-Klarjeti region. The first Interdisciplinary International conference dedicated to the region was held in 2010 and has since then become a regular event.
Working Sections
History / Archival study / Source study
Art history
Philology / Linguistics
Tourism and management of cultural heritage/Geography
Working Languages
• Georgian
• English
• Turkish
Deadline: 30 May
Maximum number of symbols: 2.000-4.000
Selected speakers will be notified before or by 30 June
Deadline: 30 July
Maximum number of symbols: 13.000
Additional notes
• The paper must not be previously published, nor presented at any other conference
• The abstract must clearly indicate the results of the study
The conference will be held on 21-24 September, 2016, at Ilia State University.