
Workshop Session on Proposal Writing


Workshop Session on Proposal Writing, 12 May (2pm - 6.30pm)

In March 2010, the ASCN announced a call for research proposals in the social sciences to be submitted by 7 June 2010 ( In the context of this call, the ASCN organises an information session for all potential applicants to the call. The workshop will be held in English. It is open to any scholar affiliated to an institution of higher education in Georgia and intending to submit a research proposal.


The session will be divided into two parts:

2pm - 5pm Proposal Writing, Dr Roger Pfister, Head of the Research Promotion Service at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland
Dr Pfister will present the application form in detail, providing information and giving advice on the most important aspects, from presentation to budgeting and scientific issues. Participants will also be given the opportunity to ask questions related to the application form.

5.30pm - 6.30pm Presentation of CRRC Databases on Georgia, Dr Hans Gutbrod, Caucasus Research Resource Center Dr. Gutbrod will show research teams how data (from CRRC and other sources) can be used to support applications and eventual research projects. Teams will be able to draw on data (for free) that otherwise would be very expensive to produce.

On 13 May, researchers intending to submit a research proposal will have the opportunity to discuss their project ideas with Dr Pfister. Together with their registration, they should therefore submit a 2-page abstract of their project idea.


For organisational matters, we kindly ask scholars and research teams interested in this workshop to register until 5 May 2010, using the below documents.

• Registration form ( download from
• Abstract of project idea (optional)

Registrations are to be sent to Ms Tiko Kadagishvili (, with copy to until 5 May 2010.

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