
The Best Poem in the Fantasy Genre


Ilia State University and the Research Centre for Semiotics are announcing a competition:

The Best Poem in the Fantasy Genre. 

The task: you should create fantasy poem based on drawing presented in the picture. Anyone can participate. The competition was announced on June 15 and the deadline for presenting the verses is June 30, 6 p.m. Please send your verses to the following email: The competent jury will reveal the best poem. According to the decision of the University the winner will be awarded the prize money of 500 Gel. The awarding ceremony will be held in the beginning of July.

The best texts will be included in the fantasy genre poetry collection which will be prepared by the Centre of Semiotics and will be published in autumn.

For more information please contact Tsira Barbakadze and Nato Davitashvili or mail us.

We wish you good luck!

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