
The Announcement of College Arts and Science Council


The Announcement of Ilia State University College for Arts and Science Council

On April 19, 2013 Georgian Parliament passed amendment in the Civil Code initiated by the Ministry of Education. According to this amendment

“38.1 it is forbidden to change legal form of non-entrepreneur (non-commercial) legal entity in any case other than through changing legal form the entity is transformed into legal entity of public law”;

38.11 Division, amalgamation and liquidation of non-entrepreneur (non-commercial) legal entity is implemented according to the rule established by the Georgia legislation about liquidation/reorganization of an entrepreneur subject.”

According to this amendment Ilia State University can be transformed into the legal entity of public law without asking university’s professors, researchers and students. This act not only will be a significant restriction of university’s autonomy and self-governance but also the form of legal entity of public law will considerably take university backwards on the way of its development: for instance, the form of legal entity of public law excludes permanent and oriented towards being permanent contracts which are already operational at Ilia State University and it is known that without them the environment oriented on stability and development cannot be created.  Moreover, the form of the legal entity of public law will make it easier in the future to intrude private and intellectual property:  university in general, and particularly out university is not only the private owner of the property given by the government but also creates the private property – in the form of movable, immovable and intellectual property. Destroying the immunity of the private property will stop university’s development and will return us to the Soviet and Post-Soviet environment when university was only the body of working places and not the unity of professors, researchers and students.

Therefore, we appeal to the Georgian government and Parliament to take into consideration all of abovementioned issues and to return the right to university’s professors, researchers and students to decide by themselves in which legal form they want to exist in Georgian and international legal space. 

Ilia State University College for Arts and Science Council

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