
Summer Courses in the Liberal Sciences


The bachelor program in the free sciences is offering you an amazing opportunity to attend two weeks interesting summer courses and to acquire high credits in the case of successful finishing of the course. The doctor of the philology Nestan Ratiani will lead the following summer courses:

1. Woman in the literature and arts
Lectures will be held on Monday and Wednesday from 18:00 to 20:50, in the auditorium A 304.
2. Knowledge and beyond
Lectures will be held on Tuesday and Thursday, from 18:00 to 20:50, in the auditorium A 304.
Each course has six credits. The lectures will start from June 26 and will continue till July 12; the exam period will be July 12-20. For registration please come to the auditorium A 206, on June 22, 24 or 25.

For additional information please contact the manager of the free sciences program Nino Japarashvili.
Mobile: 598 808 900

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