
Statement of Ilia Chavchavadze State University

Comical picture could be observed Friday, May1, at our university A building. In the afternoon poet David Magharadze and group of his worshippers stormed into auditorium #101 at the first floor of the building. They disrupted the lecture, made students and lecturer to get out and held Magradze's poems presentation.

In spite of Ligamus bookstore (located at the same floor of the same A building) and any of auditoriums in evening hours (after lectures over) has been offered for free by Iliauni administration to the group, poet David Maghradze and his admirers decided to play "assult" of the auditorium.

In spite of Ligamus administration offered all kind of assistance to the group in organization of the event, poet and his group preferred (or had decided before to use) an "assault" and lectures termination as a self-presentation tool.
Academic management and administration of Iliauni consider this case as comedy show and kind of possible but natural self-presentation form. We understand that often artistic persons hardly could think and act reasonably. Therefore hence in case of poet David Maghradze will wish to use Iliauni territory as scene for his self-presentation, we offer him our help and facilitation in the event planning and implementation to keep study process in order and to protect students' right to get proper academic and professional education.

Iliauni academic management and administration

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