
Statement by Ilia State University Academic Council


Ilia State University represents a scientific and educational institution, which acts on behalf of the Constitution of Georgia, in accordance with the Laws deriving from this Constitution and the University Charter. The University rests its activities upon the principles of academic freedom, freedoms of consciousness and of choice. It is prohibited to limit these freedoms within the walls of the University. 

From all the above mentioned, we, the higher academic representatives of Ilia State University believe, that this university, created for excellence in scientific research and for teaching science remains entirely secular, public institution. Therefore, we do not consider it rational to allow at our university the development of infrastructure with religious goals.  We defend freedom of belief and expression. Therefore, we strongly believe that precisely because there is no place for representative bodies of any religious or political organization at Ilia State University, it can execute its major social function: to remain open for any public discussion, any open thought and expression which is in accordance with the Constitution and Laws of Georgia. We are confident, that academic freedom, freedoms of consciousness and of choice, guaranteed by our University, defend the rights of our professors, researchers, students and administrative personnel to belong to any confession without any oppression of their rights. 

We also think it critical to express our attitude towards the censorship as demanded by a certain group of Georgia’s society, especially as it relates to books in the university bookstore, advertised for sale and to the presentations of certain books. First of all, Ilia State University strongly denounces censorship. Regardless the attitude of any of us towards a certain book, we believe that fidelity towards the principle of freedom of expression and also to the principle of doing university business, based on the trust towards our fellows and partners, is far more important for the University and for the present and the future of our country, than the content of any book.


Academic Council of Ilia State University

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